Hello Forty!

April 18, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


For those of you deceived by my very short stature (I’m 4’11), you might be surprised to learn I turned 40 last week.  I’m telling you, my height deceives everyone and it is assumed I’m young because I’m short.  I used to HATE it.  But, now entering into this new decade, I’m ready embrace it.

I’m not big on birthdays.  I try to downplay my birthdays each year.  If you look at Facebook you’ll see my birthday isn’t even listed there.  I don’t like being the center of attention and I don’t like people to feel obligated to wish me a happy birthday. Call weird.  BUT, this was my 40th…and I guess I see it as a big deal because I suddenly feel like I’m a real grownup now.  Therefore, I went for it and celebrated…a few times actually!

One of the best things about my birthday is that my kids are always super well behaved for me AND they gift me with a mommy & me photo session without complaint!  This is HUGE!  It is important for all moms to get in the frame with their kids. We are usually the ones taking the photos and we need our kids to look back and see US in the photos, too.

Last year when we did this I set up my studio.  This time around I wanted to have FUN with them and shoot in natural light.  So we loaded up the wagon with the swing, tripod, remote, and my camera with my (squee!!!) brand new birthday lens!  We had the best time playing around and my kids said they actually want to do it again with daddy.  Sadly he was at work and did not get to join in on the action.

So below I’m sharing some of the shots from my birthday shoot!  I’m now booking Mama & Me sessions so that you all can get in on the action, too! I promise to make them just as fun as this one, but you need to provide your own cute kiddos!

Hug your babies and have a great day!

  • Bonnie

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